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Names of famous architects of Egyptian architecture can be seen in historical records. One famous architect was Amenhotep who was also a scribe and a priest. He managed the construction of various famous monuments like Colossi of Memnon, the Great Sphinx of Giza, the Pyramid of Giza and Temple of Edfu.

Rumours say he might have been the architect of the Temple of Soleb in Nubia. His reputation grew and was admired for being a philosopher and his teachings. Amenhotep was also cherished as a healer and soon worshipped a the God of Healing.


The Temple of Edfu is an ancient Egyptian temple. Situated on the west bank of the Nile in, Upper Egypt, it was built for Horus, the falcon God. Inscriptions cover the walls and is considered the best-preserved cult temple in Egypt.

The Temple of Edfu is mostly unimpaired and is an epitome of ancient Egyptian temples. It is the leading point for tourism in Egypt because of it’s vast history and noteworthy archaeology. Construction started throughout the reign of Ptolemy III and finished 

during the reign of Ptolemy IV. The construction, inscriptions and additions took 18 decades.

The paramount characteristic of ancient Egyptian architecture was the discernable deprivation of wood. Egypt was a very coarse, dry land and wood was not available for construction use. This makes way for the use of limestone and mud bricks baked on the sun.

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